Why be part of this community?

Being involved at your child’s school helps foster not only positive academic results, but a positive attitude towards school generally.

Your 30 hours:

At AHS, every household is required to give at least 30 hours of volunteer service per year. Using your strengths and talents, the Parent Service Organization (PSO) organizes volunteers, providing ample opportunities for families to meet that 30-hour requirement. The easiest way to find opportunities to serve is to check the AHS PSO Group Me chat often- even better, turn on your notifications. This is a closed chat, so only the most important of information will be relayed. All service opportunities are posted there.

Please join the PSO Group Me. But another way to find opportunities is to click below!

Where to find service opportunities:

How to log your hours:

  1. Log into Veracross

  2. Then click “My Household”

  3. Click “Service Hours Record”

  4. From there use your Veracross Log In information to record your hours.